Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Aw fuck it I'm moving to twitter



  1. 'm at hole foods sitting in the cafe`! i am making attractive women uncomfortable and self comforted with my leering! and i just asked the sexy lil fox news tart if she's ever met rupert murdoch! she was buying orgasnic shampoo! i showed her my new converse lo-top "tennis" shoes! she said "yeah, those are old school." (!!) i saw her get back in the FOX 5 news van while i was outside smoking! cigarettes! i called out across the hot car park and shouted "old school lives!" and proudly pointed tho my lifted "tennis" shoe! she waved and got in closed the door and said something to the cameraman driver and said something! he leaned over her and peered at me! i waved both hands up to the aire and smiled!

    if you like this story, please become a follower of me on twipper!

  2. sounds like she was trying to blame Oboma for your behavior
